September Studio Update
by Andrea Holt
September 06, 2018
Hey y'all.... seems like a long time since my last update, so here goes.....
We're in another transitional phase at the shop. We're doing inventory, and I'm very close to being able to bring the rest of all of the prints from Commerce here to the shop in Athens. It's been a long time in the getting there, but once it's done, there will be several neat benefits.
While inventorying items, we are also going through all of the prints and pulling any with damages and then adding them to the Scratch & Dent section on the site.
We're also pulling odds & ends like P/P edition where there's still A/E prints available and we're planning on making up a few mystery tubes.
Part of the prints coming from the old studio is our Archive." If you're not exactly sure what that is, many years ago, we started pulling 6-10 of every print we've created and putting them back so we would have stuff for art shows, auction donations and other purposes like that. Over 20 years, that has accumulated into a big storage problem, soooo, we're paring it back to 4 of each print with the remaining prints to be made available for purchase. It's going to be a slow process, but I hope to start putting some of those into the store by the end of this month.
There's not available prints from every edition. We've dipped into the archives occasionally over the years and some prints may never have another come up for sale from us, buuuuut... there's a lot of the previously sold out prints where there will be 2-6 that might be put in the web store.
Anyway, the email issue is still giving us fits... the only sure way to make certain you're getting our email notices is to go into your spam folder and tell your mail program that emails coming from our email address are not junk. This should "train" your email to not throw them in the spam folder. Hopefully.
Have a great weekend.... keep your powder dry and your whistle wet....
Andrea Holt