Memorial Day Moving Mystery Tube Sale!

by Judy Gex May 28, 2018

Well, we hadn't planned for another Mystery Tube Sale, but it looks like we're moving the fulfillment studio again. After taking a couple of days to assess the logistics of what we'll need to move, we thought it might be good to offer up a round of Mystery Tubes so we can ship some prints out and use up some of the tubes we'd need to move. No matter how careful we are, there's always going to be some casuaties when we move posters, so... here's the details....

We will try to mix up the contents of these tubes to be slightly different than the others we've shipped, but it is entirely possible to receive duplicates if you've bought one before, so keep that in mind

Tubes will contain a mix of 5 to 10 prints from any year, style, or genre of band... or even from other artists. There may be handbills, decals and/or other goodies included in addition to full sized prints

There will be some premium prints scattered amongst the tubes

Some of the prints included may be S&D, but they will be Near Mint

Please do not order additional prints with this offer. We will not be able to combine Mystery Tube sales with other prints as the tubes are already pre-packed.

Tubes will start shipping on Thursday, May, 31st. Ship notices will go out on the day of or the day before actual shipping, and will include Delivery Confirmation numbers. Please check your email for this info!


We'll post more about the move and the new location
as we solidify everything. 

Judy Gex
Judy Gex


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